
Archive for the ‘Valentine's Day’ Category

Love means to reveal to a person his or her own beauty.
Jean Vanier

I know I’m a bit early in wishing my readers a Happy Valentine’s Day, but we plan early in my household. A couple of years ago we gave up celebrating holidays such as Valentine’s day in what has become the traditional (i.e. commercial) way. Instead, for all holidays except Christmas my husband and I pick a special entree and special dessert and then we cook a nice meal together. Just so things are fair, we switch off. One holiday I pick the entree (and he cooks) and he picks the dessert (and I cook) and the next holiday, we do the process in reverse. This takes the pressure off finding the “perfect” gift (who needs more stuff anyway) and it gives us some time together enjoying each other’s company. And, we do enjoy this time together. Invariably, no matter what kind of day we had, we always end up laughing and in a good mood.

Of course, I was not always married. And, perhaps like some of you reading this, I would sometimes get depressed when days like this rolled around. Everyone seemed to be part of a couple, except me, I’d think. But, who says Valentine’s Day has to be about romantic love? Even if you are single you can celebrate Valentine’s Day. Just do it in a non-traditional way. Love comes in many forms and everyone is loved by someone (even if the only someone is God). So, use this day to express your appreciation to all those that love you. And, I’m guessing that most everyone has someone that they love (brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, children, friends,… and perhaps God?). Valentine’s Day can be one extra special day in which you express your love to these people (in word and in deed). My guess is, once you show your appreciation for the love you are given and then give love to another, the depression you felt will lift and you’ll be able to say to yourself: “How Blessed I Am!”

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